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ENTITLEMENT & ZONING Nothing is impossible. Our experience, knowledge and creativity prove it. By applying them equally to our planning and land entitlement efforts, we determine the ideal use of a property. We then guide it through the government maze to bring our vision to reality.  We evaluate land for acquisition with equal parts art and science. Then we negotiate a deal- structure that mitigates risk and maximizes profit. With our proven capabilities, creativity and perseverance, we are able to acquire attractive sites, for ourselves and our partners, that are often overlooked by other firms.  We approach the entitlement process with equal vigor. Our expertise ensures that potentially valuable sites will not be lost to bureaucratic obstacles. In fact, with ingenuity and determination, obstacles can be overcome in ways that lead to even greater opportunities. You’ll have our assistance throughout every phase of the entitlement process, whether it is the master-planning of a community or a single, building-specific use permit.
H Y A T T    R E G E N C Y R e s o r t   &   S p a T H E   W A T E R T A B L E R e s t a u r a n t T H E   W A T E R F R O N T Beach Resort, a Hilton hotel E X P A N S I O N   OF The Waterfront Beach Resort L A   Q U I N T A Mixed-Use Commercial L A G U N A   W O O D S S e n i o r s   R e s i d e n t i a l M E R A N O R e s i d e n t i a l R A N C H O   M I R A G E M i x e d - U s e W E S T E R N  R I V E R S I D E Master Planned Community HOME ABOUT MANAGEMENT SERVICES ENTITLEMENTS HOSPITALITY DEVELOPMENT T H E   W A T E R F R O N T R e s i d e n t i a l ENTITLEMENTS